Featured Partners & Activities
The IJSC Collaborative thanks the partners below for their important work and for the chance to support them in ways that THEY have requested. Thanks also to members of the Southern community who participate in and otherwise support these partners and events on their own or with the IJSC Collaborative.
Elm City-UROC (Undoing Racism Organizing Collective) is a multiracial, anti-racist organizing collective on the move to dismantle racism, end all forms of violence and oppression, and struggle together for justice and equity. The IJSCC has co-hosted two Undoing Racism workshops with Elm City-UROC and plans to co-host workshops at SCSU annually in the Fall and Spring.

The Ethnic Heritage Center is comprised of 5 different historical societies: African American, Irish, Italian, Jewish, and Ukrainian. Its mission is to preserve and share the histories of the ethnic groups that have contributed to the vitality of the Greater New Haven community, and promote the values of human dignity and social justice. The IJSC Collaborative is supporting EHC’s Strategic Planning process
Madre Latina’s mission is to educate and empower generations of Latinas with the robust tools necessary to take their careers, businesses and lives to the next level. Madre Latina and the IJSC Collaborative have begun to partner on youth/parent financial literacy and college information and preparation supports.